You can !
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Who said there is no way or treatment for your sexual weakness?
Master Hypnotist.
Bagya Sexology center in Coimbatore ,Tamil nadu to cure men’s penis erection weakness,semen count improvement ,small size improvement and premature ejaculation. - Light on an historical incident through hypnosis
I desire to bring to the information of all interested in hypnosis and hypnotherapy an incident where a secret of a past event was enlightened through hypnosis.
During first week of August a large number of skulls were found burried near a village named Annigeri in Dharwad District of Karnataka. They had been arranged in rows. It became a big news in Karnataka. Historians and experts visited the place and racked their brains to find out the secret behind the skulls. Forensic experts at Hyderabad examined three skulls and revealed that the skulls are about 600 years old and the persons were not suffering from any disease and that the heads had been severed. People became curious to know what might had happened 600 year back for such an incident. Was there any battle? between whom? Is there any thing recorded in history? etc. No such thing is found in the history of Karnataka. Due to rains the site has not been excavated completely. District Administrative authorities have told that excavation would resume after three months when rainy season is over.
A Kannada T.V.Channel, TV9 conducted an investigation through (1) Anjana and (2) Hypnosis to solve the problem. The channel telecasted their efforts in their weekly program named "Heegoo Unte?" (Is such a thing also possible?). The team of TV9 first approached a man having Anjana near Dharwad. The boy who was attuned to Anjana revealed that there are 200 skulls in total. The skeletons of the persons whose skulls have been found have been buried near the site of skulls. The boy described that six men were arranging the severed heads under the direction of an elderly man of authority. The severed heads were being brought to the site in bullock cart. When the team of TV9 asked the boy to see why all this happened, the boy lost contact of the power of Amjana and could not reveal any thing further.
Then the team of TV9 approached Shri Balakrishna Guruji in Bangalore. Shri Balakrishna Guruji is a well known and experienced hypnotherapist who was previously conducting a program "Poorva Janma" (Past Life) on TV9. Shri Balakrishna Guruji hypnotised a lady and put the questions regarding secret of skulls. The lady, under hypnosis, corroborated what the boy with Anjana had told i.e. six persons arranging the severed heads under the instructions of an old and king like man, the severed heads being brought in cart, number of skulls being 200 in number etc She further told that the local ruler of the place at that time had in possession of large treasure of ornaments with precious stones and there was a beautiful statue of God in a temple in Annigeri. (in fact, an old temple is available to see in Annigeri village.). About two hundred persons comprising men in majority, who were talking a language resembling Tamil, had come to Annigeri to steal the treasury of king and God's statue. The king came to know this and attacked the thieves with his soldiers. Their heads were cut and the severed heads were arranged and they were kept open to view so that any body might not undertake such a venture in future. Their skeletons were buried nearby. An inscription of stone, describing the event would be found in future.
With this I request those who are well experienced in our google group of mind lab to repeat such an experiment with suitable subjects so that the facts/findings may be verified as it is done in scientific experiments.
Ishvar Mantrannavar
Dear Mr.Ishvar 12.9.2010
I am enclosing some photos from the skull excavation site in Karnataka which many of us will find it interesting . There are 3 Photos enclosed .
Thanks and Regards
Pranab Acharya
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