Case study -1
Erectile Dysfunction
Man aged 30 years married a 25 years old woman. During their first night the man found that he could not sustain erection of his penis for a long time. During the foreplay he had mild erection and the semen got ejaculated faster than he expected. The bride got upset since the penetration did not occur. Since the girl was not informed about this before she thought that the boy was impotent. When she came out of her room the next day morning her aunt asked her if the sex was done successfully. Hearing the failure the aunt informed this to the girl’s parents. The group of people around the new couple were not aware of the normal physiology of sexual Intercourse .They took them to the family doctor for counselling.
He referred them to our Bagya Sexology Centre.
The case was investigated by the male and female sexologist. The man was diagnosed to have mild erectile dysfunction and performance anxiety .He was tested for physical reasons and psycho emotional reasons for the failure with GDV aura scanner.
The couple were counselled and treatment was given. Oral medicine was given to support his organ to perform better. Topical medicine called Romance penis Booster is dispensed for the improvement of blood flow to the Corpora.
His anxiety was helped with therapies like Pranic healing, Penis stimulator therapy and acupuncture.
The bride was infirmed about the normal physiology and anatomy of the human sexuality. The family was assured that nothing was abnormal. Slowly the man recovered his penile erection.
Similar histories repeat in many families. Some end up in divorce. When timely action is taken, all the marriages can be saved from divorce.
We advice men to consult us 6 months before the wedding to know their fitness for marriage. Even if there are some problem in the penile health if can be treated in a safe and simple way. Just call as to get appointment.
Wish you all a happy married life.